Union Power Partners (UPP) Intake Structure & Bridge


This project featured the development of a 65 million gallon/day raw water intake structure 34’ below grade and an access bridge situated in the floodplain of the Ouachita River to provide industrial water for a 2,200 megawatt power plant.


  • Despite lost work time due to periodic flooding, the project was completed on time.
  • Received “Certificate of Commendation” from Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.
  • Successfully used portable generators to provide power for the entire project.

Work Performed

  • Construction of temporary access roads in the floodplain
  • Clearance of the area where the access bridge and intake structure would be constructed
  • Design and build of a 34’ deep cofferdam in the batture of the Ouachita River to allow construction of intake structure
  • Construction of a 1,200’ permanent access bridge to the intake structure
  • Construction of temporary falseworks to access the worksite over two sloughs
  • 356 pre-cast piles and 80 H-piles driven
  • Installation of 554 LF sheet piles at the bulkhead
  • Equipment installation included: trash racks, stop logs, traveling screens, and two vertical turbine pumps